Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Limits to Growth

The Limits to Growth

"Limits to Growth, a study of the patterns and dynamics of human presence on earth, pointed toward environmental and economic collapse within a century if "business as usual" continued. In 1972, the book's findings sparked a worldwide controversy about the earth's capacity to withstand constant human and economic expansion. More than 40 years later, with more than 10 million copies sold in 28 languages, this "little book with powerful ideas" endures as a touchstone for anyone seeking to understand the complex relationships underlying today's global environmental and economic trends."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Analysis & Projections - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Analysis & Projections - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

"The successful investment of capital and diffusion of shale oil and shale gas technologies has continued into Canadian shales. Canada's tight oil production averaged 291,498 barrels per day in 20124 and its shale gas production was 0.7 trillion cubic feet in 2012.5 There has been interest expressed or exploration activities begun in shale formations in a number of other countries, including Algeria, Argentina, Australia, China, India, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom."

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The world according to Itskov: Futurists convene at GF2045 (Part 1)

The world according to Itskov: Futurists convene at GF2045 (Part 1)

Dr. Martin made it disturbingly clear that population growth, resource consumption, water depletion, desertification, deforestation, ocean pollution and fish depopulation, atmospheric carbon dioxide, what he termed gigafamine (the death of more than a billion people as a consequence of food shortage by mid-century), and other factors are ominously close to their tipping points – after which their effects will be irreversible. (For example, he points out that in 20 years we'll be consuming an obviously unsustainable 200 percent of then-available resources.) Taken together, he cautioned, these developments will constitute a "perfect storm" that will cause a Darwinian survival of the fittest in which "the Earth could be like a lifeboat that's too small to save everyone."

Read more at:
Dr. Martin made it disturbingly clear that population growth, resource consumption, water depletion, desertification, deforestation, ocean pollution and fish depopulation, atmospheric carbon dioxide, what he termed gigafamine (the death of more than a billion people as a consequence of food shortage by mid-century), and other factors are ominously close to their tipping points – after which their effects will be irreversible. (For example, he points out that in 20 years we'll be consuming an obviously unsustainable 200 percent of then-available resources.) Taken together, he cautioned, these developments will constitute a "perfect storm" that will cause a Darwinian survival of the fittest in which "the Earth could be like a lifeboat that's too small to save everyone."

Read more at:

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought – Quartz

Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought – Quartz

“The pesticide issue in itself is much more complex than we have led to be believe,” he says. “It’s a lot more complicated than just one product, which means of course the solution does not lie in just banning one class of product.”

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Crop That Can Feed the World? | Food Tank

The Crop That Can Feed the World? | Food Tank

"Research from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) suggests that enset fields are far more sustainable in the long run than the fields of annual crops in Ethiopia, and, because of their ability to improve soil quality, enset fields can have be continuously productive for decades, if not centuries. "

Friday, June 7, 2013

Many small green businesses thriving even in rough economy

Many small green businesses thriving even in rough economy

"In a report presenting the survey findings, the three groups note that, over the past 10 years, the market for green products and services has expanded dramatically. For example, the green building market has increased by 1,700 percent while the conventional building market has contracted by 17 percent. The organic food market has increased by 238 percent in comparison to the non-organic food market's expansion of only 33 percent."

OECD suggests to put Green Growth at the Heart of Development

OECD suggests to put Green Growth at the Heart of Development

“Putting green growth at the heart of the development agenda requires real political leadership to instill change at international, national and local levels. Our report shows that green growth can offer new opportunities for developing countries. We are looking forward to working with governments and the development co-operation community to reap the benefits of a greener growth path for the well-being of the people in our partner countries.”

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Developing Countries React to UN Climate Talks - Need Leadership Now

"Successful 2020 Climate Deal depends on:
developed country leadership before 2020"
- Developing Countries

Bonn, Germany - June 4, 2013 - The Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) on climate change group today reminded developed countries at the opening of the climate talks that the key to having a successful climate agreement after 2020 is for developed countries to show leadership and ambition before 2020.

The current climate talks have two work streams.  The first work stream is tasked to negotiate a post 2020 climate agreement.  The second work stream is tasked to talk about increasing developed country ambition before 2020.

In its opening statement read by Nagmeldin G. Elhassan, head of the Sudanese delegation, the LMDC stressed that developed countries should take the lead immediately by increasing their 2020 greenhouse gas reduction targets, ratify the second round of commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, increase levels and certainty of financial support for developing countries through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and increase ease of access to climate technologies for developing countries. 

"Urgent action is needed now to address the climate change crisis and to protect the integrity of Mother Earth under the Convention. Our developing countries of theLMDC are well aware of the urgency and, in our own national contexts, are doing a large number of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions to implement the Convention." Nagmeldin G. Elhassan, head of the Sudanese delegation, said on behalf of the LMDC in the climate talks opening plenary.

 "We would like to remind developed countries that leadership is about taking responsibility and not making excuses or conditions.  Had developed countries shown leadership consistent with their historical responsibility in the past, the negotiations to a future agreement won't be this difficult."  Elhassan added.

"The EU, for instance, is a good example of a developed country that has the potential to lead.  It is, however, difficult for us to understand why the EU does not increase its 2020 emissions reductions plan when they've now achieved their 2020 target.  In fact, it only makes more sense for them to make their greenhouse gas emissions target more ambitious.  This would help build trust and goodwill in the talks,[1]" added Ramiro Ramirez, Venezuela head of delegation.  

"This would also differentiate the EU from other developed countries that consistently refused that step towards more ambitious climate action." Ramirez added.

"Despite development and poverty alleviation challenges, developing countries are already doing more than their fair share on climate action. The only missing ingredient for the world to avoid irreversible climate disaster is leadership from developed countries.  However, it's not too late for developed country leadership.  If they do this, then the world would be well on its way to solving the climate change problem." Elhassan concluded. 

Contact: Jasper Inventor,  mobile: +639173009567, email: 

The Group of Like-Minded Developing Countries on Climate Change (LMDC) includes: Bolivia, China, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, India, Iran, Iraq,  Malaysia, Mali, Nicaragua, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Venezuela.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

BAAAD News!!! Desertec abandons Sahara solar power export dream | EurActiv

Desertec abandons Sahara solar power export dream | EurActiv

“Frankly, four years ago Desertec was all about bringing energy from North Africa. We abandoned that one-dimensional thinking. It’s now more about creating integrated markets in which renewable energy will bring its advantages … That’s the main objective,” he said.

Monday, June 3, 2013

BMU - Vertreter aus zehn Vorreiterländern gründen "Club der Energiewende-Staaten"

BMU - Vertreter aus zehn Vorreiterländern gründen "Club der Energiewende-Staaten"

"We are determined to work together as advocates and implementers of renewable energy at global level," said Altmaier. "We in Germany do not stand alone with our Energiewende, but are a part of a strong group of leaders."
The Club is intended to supplement and support the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA.
"Renewable energy is not only a good way of combating climate change, it also contributes to prosperity and supply security throughout the world," said Altmaier. "Especially at a time of growing energy demand, this is the attraction of renewable energy for countries all over the world."

Top 50 Solar Energy Stories Of The Year (Part Two: #11-20) | CleanTechnica

Top 50 Solar Energy Stories Of The Year (Part Two: #11-20) | CleanTechnica

"In one of the two future energy scenarios Shell released this year (the New Lens Scenarios), the company projected that solar would become the largest source of energy by 2070. (Note: according to many, it was still being pessimistic about solar’s likely growth.)"

Friday, May 31, 2013

La thèse d'une troisième révolution industrielle par J. Rifkin > Energies -

La thèse d'une troisième révolution industrielle par J. Rifkin > Energies -

"Ce livre développe la thèse d'une troisième révolution industrielle –que l'auteur appelle de ses vœux-, un nouveau paradigme économique qui va ouvrir l'ère post-carbone, basée notamment sur l'observation que les grandes révolutions économiques ont lieu lorsque de nouvelles technologies de communication apparaissent en même temps que des nouveaux systèmes énergétiques (hier imprimerie/charbon ou ordinateur/ ; aujourd'hui Internet & les énergies renouvelables)."

Crossing the 400 ppm line: Concentration of carbon dioxide reaches tipping point |

Crossing the 400 ppm line: Concentration of carbon dioxide reaches tipping point |
"The result is a new concept -- the "carbon bubble." The essence of their work is this: a great deal of the stated value of stock exchanges around the world is in unburnable fossil fuels. The level of capital expenditure in developing those reserves over the next decade would amount to $6.74-trillion in wasted capital -- developing reserves that simply cannot be burned."

Crossing the 400 ppm line: Concentration of carbon dioxide reaches tipping point |

Crossing the 400 ppm line: Concentration of carbon dioxide reaches tipping point |

"The result is a new concept -- the "carbon bubble." The essence of their work is this: a great deal of the stated value of stock exchanges around the world is in unburnable fossil fuels. The level of capital expenditure in developing those reserves over the next decade would amount to $6.74-trillion in wasted capital -- developing reserves that simply cannot be burned."

Scientists fret as CO2 levels hit key mark |

Scientists fret as CO2 levels hit key mark |
"This is another global emissions target that we've blown past without doing anything," said Jim Butler, director of global monitoring at NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory. "Stronger storms, droughts, rising seas. We are already seeing the impacts of increased CO2 in the atmosphere ... How much further can we really go?"

Last Time CO2 Levels Hit 400 Parts Per Million & Humans Were Alive -- Never | CleanTechnica

Last Time CO2 Levels Hit 400 Parts Per Million & Humans Were Alive -- Never | CleanTechnica

“It shows a huge warming – unprecedented in human history,” said Prof Scott Elias, at Royal Holloway University of London, and not involved in the work. “It is a frightening experiment we are conducting with our climate.”

Mapping The 31 Million People Displaced By Climate Change So Far | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

Mapping The 31 Million People Displaced By Climate Change So Far | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation
Both rich and poor countries are affected by extreme weather, but the former will cope better, it notes. “In the U.S. following Hurricane Sandy, most of those displaced were able to find refuge in adequate temporary shelter while displaced from their own homes,” says Clare Spurrell, spokesperson for the group, in a press release. “Compare this to communities in Haiti, where hundreds of thousands are still living in makeshift tents over three years after the 2010 earthquake mega-disaster, and you see a very different picture."

Monday, March 25, 2013

World faces decades of climate chaos, outgoing chief scientific adviser warns - Telegraph

World faces decades of climate chaos, outgoing chief scientific adviser warns - Telegraph

"In 12 years’ time there will be another billion people on the planet and we have big issues of food security, water security and energy security and many, many people will start to be living in cities," he said.
"These are massive problems. Climate change is just going to make it worse."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yale Environment 360: Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Show Second-Largest Annual Increase

Yale Environment 360: Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Show Second-Largest Annual Increase

"Pieter Tans, a senior scientist at NOAA's Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, attributed the latest spike to an increase in fossil fuel burning globally, particularly in China."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Facing Up to the Threat of Climate Change in the Arab World

Facing Up to the Threat of Climate Change in the Arab World

Climate change is a reality for people in Arab countries,” said Inger Andersen, World Bank Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa region.It affects everyone – especially the poor who are least able to adapt – and as the climate becomes ever more extreme, so will its impacts on people’s livelihoods and wellbeing. The time to take action at both the national and regional level in order to increase climate resilience is now.”