Thursday, July 23, 2009

ReliefWeb » Document » ECOSOC holds discussion on impact of current global challenges and trends on delivery of humanitarian assistance

ReliefWeb » Document » ECOSOC holds discussion on impact of current global challenges and trends on delivery of humanitarian assistance: "TIINA INTELMANN, Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council, said the Secretary-General, in his report to ECOSOC and the General Assembly, expressed concern that the combined impact of global challenges such as climate change, extreme poverty, urbanisation, water and energy security, and the food and financial crises could generate substantial increases in humanitarian caseloads, affecting hundreds of millions of people in the next few years. He also outlined how these challenges could impact the provision of humanitarian assistance and its coordination. This panel should provide humanitarian stakeholders, including Member States and international humanitarian actors, with an opportunity to jointly discuss measures to address the adverse humanitarian impact of these challenges. The debate should also shed some light on national and regional angles, while thematically delving into how humanitarian actors could strengthen coordination with developmental organizations, particularly as the latter increasingly operated in non-traditional humanitarian contexts."